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2016年6月11日 星期六

過濾器改造計畫(二) Reconstruction filter 2






The water in aquarium tank always not clear, there are too many small dirt in water, because the sponge unable to more effectively block dirt. this fish friend change water and change new sponge every week, we bserve the dirt on surface of sponge, it is very dirty, water unable to smooth penetrate in sponge pores, water be blocked by lot of dirt on surface of sponge.

Because sponge is not easy to clean completely, it is cheap, many fish friends think sponge is a consumable in aquarium, this fish friend change new sponge every week, When the sponge is dropped, number of bacteria in the tank will be substantial reduction.

Many fish friend have no gravel layer in bottom of the tank, all of bacterial attachment must rely on the filter medium, but the filter will be constantly accumulate dirt and clogging, the filter effect will be gradually reduced, even cause white nematodes, relic, algae ... etc. in filter box.

The first layer of white sponge be affected differently from water tube type and water jet mode, below and around the water column will appear many dirt hills, without water injection same as clean sponger, clean and dirt on surface of sponge, this is a very strong contrast, sponge filter effects can not be exerted fully.

This fish friend hope that he can get more clear, clean water, reduce to rinse and discard sponge times after adjust and revise filtration system.

一、改造前狀況:  Transformation of the former situation


The water always not clear, when sponge be washed after 1 week, there are many dirt on surface of sponge, this fish friend change new sponge every week.


Many fish friends thinks nitrifying bacteria can make water more clear, this is a serious misconception, nitrifying bacteria is not decomposing beneficial bacteria, it will unable to make water more clear.


There are 5 layers in this filter system, 2 layers belong barrier dirt filter. 3 layers are cultivate bacteria filter, there is no purify water filter.


No bottom sand aquarium tank, there is little number of bacteria.


Before filter transformation plan, it is recommended to be graded gradually, partial gradual adjustment and correction, including:

1.Installation screens net.
2.Input charcoal.
3.Laying bottom of coral sand.

(一)、加裝紗窗網,阻隔較大尺寸污垢  Laying mesh screens, prevent more large size dirt on the surface of sponge


Laying mesh screens above first leave sponge, large dirt be prevented by mesh screens, it will  prevent more dirt on the surface of sponge directly, it will reduce to renewal the amount of sponge and extend the use of time.

(二)、放入木炭,提高水質淨化功效  Input charcoal, it can improve the effectiveness of water purification


The filter system, lack of a chemical filter, we input lot of charcoal to increase the effectiveness of water purification.

(三)、鋪設珊瑚底砂砂層  Laying coral bottom sand



The purpose of laying coral bottom sand, it will increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the aquarium tank, and slow down the speed of water soured, too.

二、設備介紹:  Equipment

魚缸尺寸  Size:2.5尺魚缸,75x45x45cm
水位高度/水容量(公升  Liter):Water height / capacity:75x40x45cm,135 L
過濾器型式  Type:上部過濾器  upper filter
濾盒數量  Filter box:橫1x5層,共5個(每個29x16x7cm)  5 boxes (each box size:29x16x7cm)
魚隻數量  Fish:共8尾  8 fish

[相片說明  Photo description]:清洗前的海棉。  The sponge not yet be cleaned.


Stage 1:

There are A1 & A2 experiment in stage 1, it will observe the sponge surface contamination. After A1 (3 days to A2), the sponge have lot of dirt on surface.

There are A1 and A2 before adjusting update, it will observe dirt on sponge surface and water quality measurement after A2.

三、準備改造  Ready to change new

(一)、海棉表面污垢  The dirt on sponge surface

濾盒1  Filter Box 1

濾盒2  Filter Box 2

濾盒3  Filter Box 3

濾盒4  Filter Box 4

(二)、改造前測量水質反應    Measure water quality response before change new

pH酸鹼值:7.8~7.9(抱歉!相片模糊,無法提供!  Sorry! The photo is blurry, not available.)


為何T.D.S.值高達1,181?  Why T.D.S. value up to 1181?


A number of water quality inspection and checking, major results have to achieve the desired results but only T.D.S. value, the value-result is 1,181, Why T.D.S. is 1,181? this is placed lot charcoal in the filter box, there are many fine slag and charcoal powder in water, Compared with before and after modification, After the adjustment of the water become more clear without turbidity, no bubbles on water-surface, after several days, After those  fine slag and charcoal powder after precipitation, the value of T.D.S. will be reduce  greatly.



四、調整更新  Update & adjustment

(一)、改造更新後  After update & adjustment

(二)、安裝後1小時測量水質反應:  Measure water reaction after 1 hour




五、檢測工作:  Inspection work

經過一星期後,在不換水、維持原餵養下,觀察各層過濾盒的狀況。  After 7 days, no change water and keep feeding.

(一)、檢測點1  Inspection work 1:

觀察各層棉體表面污染情況  Observed each layer sponge surface contamination

濾盒1  Filter Box 1

在第三層濾盒中放入羊毛絨,若第一層過濾海棉能有效阻擋污垢,羊毛絨表面污垢就會減少,待安裝後一星期後,再觀察羊毛絨表面受污染情況。  It will be observed the soft sponge surface contamination after 1 week.

經過三天後,羊毛絨表面污垢情況。  After 3 days, the soft sponge surface contamination.

各項水質檢測結果  Checking results of water quality

六、調整改造預期效果:  Expected result

這次調整改造的重點,在於:  Transformation priorities, including:

(一)、水質清澈  Water clear

[相片說明  Photo description]:改造前的水色。  Before adjustment and transformation.

[相片說明  Photo description]:改造後的水色。  After adjustment and transformation.


(二)、減少清洗及更新海棉次數  Reduce cleaning and updating sponge

這次調整改造採用《mini 多效除垢培菌棉》,其中,第一層海棉高效擋污過濾棉(mini high efficient cleaning filter sponge)特殊的材質與構造,當棉體表面出現較多污垢時,只要取出海棉,甩掉表面污垢,再以水沖洗,即可將污垢全部洗刷,可大幅減少清洗及更新海棉次數,更可減少硝化菌及分解菌等益菌群大量流失及消失,同時,也減少購買海棉的費用支出、增加魚隻穩定性。

[mini high efficient cleaning filter sponge] have special structure and materials, it can prevent more bait, reduce the times of cleaning, loss of large number of beneficial bacteria, and buy less sponge expenses.

(三)、減輕降低魚缸重量壓  Reduce the weight pressure of tank


為何要加裝紗窗網、洗衣袋呢?  Why installation mesh screens or laundry bag above first layer sponge?  

其它相關內容  Related content

過濾器改造計畫(四)  Reconstruction filter 4
過濾器改造計畫(三)  Reconstruction filter 3
過濾器改造計畫(二)  Reconstruction filter 2
過濾器改造計畫(一)  Reconstruction filter 1

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