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2016年6月18日 星期六

過濾器改造計畫(四) Reconstruction filter 4


Many use upper filter fish friends think that more filter boxes will get better filter and culture bacteria effect, Really true?


1.物理過濾:  Physical filtration

2.生化過濾:  Biological filtration

3.化學過濾:  Chemical filtration

A complete and efficient filter system, including,

1.Physical filtration
Obstruct large size dirt, Avoid dirt back to aquaeium rank again and reduce dirt in water.

2.Biological filtration
Reduce and remove  toxic substances in water to jeopardize fish by bacteria.

3.Chemical filtration
Use of different filter material to purify water, water can be recycled for reuse.



Many fish friends understand the importance of nitrifying bacteria by internet, but also received a lot of error messages by internet, those error messages including, 
1.Nitrifying bacteria is not single bacteria, It is a general term for variety of bacteria.
2.There are many bacteria in aquarium tank, nitrifying bacteria, nitrifying bacteria are not the only bacteria.
3.The main effect of nitrifying bacteria for decomposition and reduction of toxic substances in water, it is not to purify water.
4.2 necessary conditions for nitrifying bacteria to survive, "environment" and "food".
5.By different ways and pipeline to obtain nitrifying bacteria.
6.Training nitrifying bacteria is taken longer time, training speed by liquid is more faster than powder, liquid is short shelf life than powder.
7.Nitrifying bacteria susceptible to number of reasons affect its survival and reproduction.


Many fish friends emphasis on the presence of nitrifying bacteria too much, when setting up filter system, culture bacteria part too much, purify water part very little or none. The filter system function imbalance, The water in aquarium tank can not clear, the number of beneficial bacteria is not enough, This is not a good filter system!







Fin rupture, damaged!

Many fish friends think that fin rupture are biting by other fish, This situation is rare, Most of the reason from deterioration of water quality, which led to fin appears damaged, bifurcation and even fester, The fish swim momentum gradually decline, or even fail to balance, fish maybe die in short time, When the fish fin damage, it is not just only single appears broken, other fish will probably damage, too.

Many fish friends to treat fin damage by xanthateFuracilin), The xanthate can kill most of pathogenic bacteria, but also kill beneficial bacteria in water, too. Xanthate will accumulate in fish body, it will produce antibodies to other diseases in future, Maybe we can use other treatment method.

Our treatment recommendations:

1.Use betadine to treatment of damaged fins, ulcers.
2.Replacing part of the water to improve water quality continuously. (Change water, it can reduce number of pathogenic bacteria in water.)
3.After changing the water, pour some of nitrifying bacteria liquid or powder, nitrifying bacteria supplement.

After discussion with this fish friend, Before the first stage of reconstruction filters, we will to treat broken fin preferentially, After condition improved, Then the next stage of filter modification.

After 3 days, fins rupture, ulceration, have improved gradually! it will reduce the chance of fins rupture and ulceration to avoid high-density breed.

After several days, fin damage has gradually improved, ready to transform filters.


We will be divided into 2 stages to modify filter. Explanation as follows,

第一階段:  Stage 1


There are many major works in this stage, inluding, 

1.Stable water quality.
2.Reduce the number of fine water bubbles.
3.Treatment fins rupture, ulceration.
4.To mitigate and reduce the weight of filter by original filter material.

一、第一階段調整  Some adjustment and revise in stage 1

(一)設備介紹: Equipment

魚缸尺寸  Sixze:3尺魚缸,90x30x45cm
過濾器型式  Type:上部過濾器  upper filter
濾盒數量  Filter box:橫2x5層,共10個  10 boxes
魚隻數量  Fish:共7尾  7 fish



This filter have 10 filter boxes (2x5=10 boxes), bit there are  still lot of bubbles on  water usually, these bubbles are an important indicator to observe water quality good or bad. although there are 10 filter boxes in this filter system, but all fish still appear fin broken or fishtail fester, Is this a good filter system?  Is it right that "More filter boxes get higher filtering effect"?

We laid on screens-net above first layer of sponge in first  layer filter box, it will try to reduce large size dirt to pollute sponge.


After 5 days later, we observe the surface of screens-net and white sponge.

左側過濾盒內紗窗網表面  The left side filter box surface of screens-net

第一層海棉表面  The surface of first layer sponge


The left side filter box surface of white sponge, the right side filter box surface of screens-net,  the surface of sponge is very clear, no more dirt like a hill.

二、第一階段調整  Adjustment and revise in stage 2

利用現有的濾材進行過濾器系統的調整與修正,期望達到下列幾個目的:  It will be adjusted and correction filters, We are hoping to get the following purposes:


1.Do not increase expenses.
2.To make adjustments and amendments by original filter material.
3.To reduce filter material quantity and weight.
4.To reduce fine organic impurities in water and to improve water clarity.
5.To reduce number of cleaning sponges and change new sponge, reducing the loss of nitrification bacteria and beneficial bacteria.

(二)、過濾器設計與安排  Filter design and arrangement

由上而下的排列與安排:  From top to down arrangement

第一層濾盒:紗窗網+白棉  The 1st layer of filter box:screens-net & white sponge.

第二層濾盒:白棉  The 2nd layer of filter box:white sponge.

第三層濾盒:陶瓷環+培菌棒  The 3rd layer of filter box:ceramic ring & culture bacteria cudgel.

第四層濾盒:木碳  The 4th layer of filter box:charcoal.

第五層濾盒:陶瓷環+細珊瑚砂 The 5th layer of filter box:ceramic ring & coral sand.



It will not to change 5 layers filter boxes to adjustment and correction filter.

1.Laying screens-net above white sponge.
2.Increase number of white sponge, improve to obstruct more dirt, reduce amount of organic impurities in the water, increase area of adhesion of bacteria.
3.Retain many original light weight of the filter material. (culture bacteria filter material
4.Use charcoal to purify water.
5.Mix up ceramic ring, coral sand & culture bacteria cudgel...etc, Those filter material can slow flow of water, 
it will provide more decomposing bacteria attachment area.

(三)、測量水質  Measuring water







After adjustment and correction filters,

1.Reduce half number of filter, but also significantly reduce the weight of the filter, too.
2.With physical, biological and chemical filtration,  this is an efficacy better filtration system.
3.To slow down water water quality corrupt speed.
4.The sponge can reduce the extent of contamination, cleaning sponge times, reduce loss of large number of nitrifying bacteria.
5.To improve the stability of the fish.

三、第三階段調整  Adjustment and revise in stage 3

第三階段,即將進行更換《mini 多效除垢培菌棉》組及《mini 淨水培菌包》,以重量更輕、體積更小濾材,替代原有沈重、龐大眾多的濾材,達到更高的擋垢、培菌及淨化水質的過濾功效。

Change "Mini multi-effect cleaning and bacteria culture filter sponge", and "Mini multi-effect water purification and culture bacteriostatic filter package", 

 it will improve the higher effectiveness of obstruct dirt, culture more bacteria, and stable water quality by use of less filter material and space.

Coming soon!!

其它相關內容  Related content

過濾器改造計畫(四)  Reconstruction filter 4
過濾器改造計畫(三)  Reconstruction filter 3
過濾器改造計畫(二)  Reconstruction filter 2
過濾器改造計畫(一)  Reconstruction filter 1

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