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2016年6月5日 星期日

過濾器改造計畫(一) Reconstruction filter 1




Reconstruction Filter 1, It will be executed a filter of 4 feet aquarium tank alteration, we will observe the effect of difference transformation before and after.

Stage 1:

There are A1 & A2 experiment in stage 1, it will observe the sponge surface contamination. After A1 (3 days to A2), the sponge have lot of dirt on surface.

一、設備介紹  Equipment

魚缸尺寸  Size:4尺魚缸,120x45x60cm
水位高度/水容量(公升  Liter):Water height / capacity:120x45x45cm,243 L
過濾器型式  Type:上部過濾器  upper filter
濾盒數量  Filter box:橫3x4層,共12個(每個29x16x7cm)  12 boxes (each box size:29x16x7cm)
魚隻數量  Fish:共11尾  11 fish

[相片說明  Photo description]:清洗前的海棉。  The sponge not yet be cleaned.


[相片說明  Photo description]:清洗後的海棉。  The sponge after cleaning.

There are A1 and A2 before adjusting update, it will observe dirt on sponge surface and water quality measurement after A2.

二、準備改造  Ready to change new

(一)、海棉表面污垢  The dirt on sponge surface

濾盒1  Filter Box 1

濾盒2  Filter Box 2

濾盒3  Filter Box 3

(二)、改造前測量水質反應::    Measure water quality response before change new



三、調整更新  Update & adjustment

(一)、改造更新後  After update & adjustment

全景  Panorama

第一層  The 1st layer

第二層  The 2nd layer

第三、四層  The 3rd and 4th layer.

(二)、安裝後1小時測量水質反應:  Measure water reaction after 1 hour



(三)、調整改造預期效果:  Expected result

這次調整改造的重點,在於:  Transformation priorities, including:

1.提高海棉層阻擋污垢效果,減少清洗及更新海棉次數,降低益菌大量流失  Improve the effect of sponge barrier dirt, reduce cleaning and updating sponge, reduce huge loss of beneficial bacteria

2.減輕降低魚缸重量壓  Reduce the weight pressure of tank

3.減緩水質敗壞速度,提高魚隻穩定度  Alleviate the speed of water corruption, improve the stability of fish

四、安裝後檢測工作  Inspection work after finish to change new 

(一)、檢測點1  Inspection work 1:觀察第三層羊毛絨表面污染情況  Observed the third layer soft sponge surface contamination

濾盒1  Filter Box 1
濾盒2  Filter Box 2
濾盒3  Filter Box 3

(二)、檢測點2  Inspection work 2:水質測量反應:  Measure water quality response

1.完成安裝時的水質反應。  Measure water quality after change finished.


五、安裝一星期後各項檢測結果  Check many results  after 1 week.


(一)、過濾棉阻擋污垢效能   The obstruct dirt effectiveness of filter sponge

由於飼養魚隻數量較多、魚隻尺寸較大,產生的排泄物、飼料殘餌、有機雜質量較多,更新《mini 多效除垢培菌棉》組後,能否提高物理過濾層阻擋污垢效能?減少水中細微污垢?減緩水質敗壞速度呢?


第一層過濾棉由上而下,依次為:高效擋污過濾棉(Mini high efficient cleaning filter sponge)→長效培菌擋污棉(Mini high efficient bacteria culture filter sponge)→長效多層培菌棉(Mini multi-level bacteria culture filter sponge)。

第三層濾盒則為羊毛絨(Soft sponge),檢測羊毛絨表面受到污染情況。

1.第一組濾盒  The 1st column filter box

第一片海棉  The 1st piece of sponge:高效擋污過濾棉(Mini high efficient cleaning filter sponge)

第二片海棉  The 2nd piece of sponge:長效培菌擋污棉(Mini high efficient bacteria culture filter sponge)

 第三片海棉  The 3rd piece of sponge:長效多層培菌棉(Mini multi-level bacteria culture filter sponge)

 第三層過濾盒中羊毛絨  In 3rd layer filter box soft sponge

2.第二組濾盒  The 2nd column filter box

第一片海棉  The 1st piece of sponge:高效擋污過濾棉(Mini high efficient cleaning filter sponge)

第二片海棉  The 2nd piece of sponge:長效培菌擋污棉(Mini high efficient bacteria culture filter sponge)
第三片海棉  The 3rd piece of sponge:長效多層培菌棉(Mini multi-level bacteria culture filter sponge)
第三層過濾盒中羊毛絨  In 3rd layer filter box soft sponge

3.第三組濾盒  The 3rd column filter box

第一片海棉  The 1st piece of sponge:高效擋污過濾棉(Mini high efficient cleaning filter sponge)

第二片海棉  The 2nd piece of sponge:長效培菌擋污棉(Mini high efficient bacteria culture filter sponge)

第三片海棉  The 3rd piece of sponge:長效多層培菌棉(Mini multi-level bacteria culture filter sponge)
第三層過濾盒中羊毛絨  In 3rd layer filter box soft sponge

(二)、第一週水質測量  The first week water quality measurement


I n this week, this fish friend input some mussel, but the mussel have died after input aquarium tank 1-2 days, water quality corrupt very quick, there are some bubbles on water surface, the T.D.S. value over 2,999, NO3 value 60.0-80.0, this is a very dangerous digital, It will stop to measurement work after study with this fish friend, he removes all mussel to void water quality to deteriorate continuously, we will test and check all work again next week.



NH3值:沒攜帶測量藥劑,沒有進行測量!  NH3, Not carry measurement agent, No measure!



Because e those filter boxes appears right low and left high skew, most of dirt are concentrated  to far left filter box  (first column), the sponge surface dirt particularly, sponge surface dirt is evenly distributed and not concentrated at the injection or topical to 1st layer sponge, Observation the traces of contamination is quite large, the first layer filter sponge(mini high efficient cleaning filter sponge) can play an high-performance to obstruct more dirt.

第二層的三片「長效培菌擋污棉」(high efficient bacteria culture filter sponge),也發揮培菌及阻擋污垢功效,在棉體表面有許多細微的污垢,且海棉吸水相當飽和,這相當有利於海棉培養益菌功效。

There are 3 piece of high efficient bacteria culture filter sponge at 2nd layer, the filter sponge play high-performance to obstruct more dirt and to cultivate abundant bacteria, this filter sponge strong water absorption, This is very beneficial condition for beneficial bacteria survive and multiply by sponge.

經過一星期後的第三層「長效多層培菌棉」(multi-level bacteria culture filter sponge)表面仍相當乾淨。這種類似白棉材質的過濾棉都放置在第一層用來阻擋污垢,因為棉體間孔隙較大,很容易堵塞較大尺寸污垢,導入水無法順暢穿透,使用一段時間後,大多魚友都丟棄換新,丟棄海棉也讓大量的益菌群瞬間消失。「長效多層培菌棉」讓白棉材質的過濾棉,完全做培菌功能,加上整片棉會浸泡在水中,大幅提高培菌效果及減少污垢堵塞孔隙。

The 3rd layer sponge (multi-level bacteria culture filter sponge)surface is very clean after 1 week, Its characteristics are very similar with general filter sponge, almost all white filter sponge, the main purpose is to obstruct dirt, white filter sponge in use for period of time, pore will be blocked by dirt, water can not pass through filter sponge pores, dirty filter sponge will be discarded by most of fish friends, Beneficial bacteria in filter sponge will be disappear.

從三組羊毛絨表面受污染情況來看,經過一星期不清洗海棉,三組都相當乾淨,只有些微黑色污垢點,由此可發現,《多效除垢培菌棉 組》發揮較高的阻擋效果,大幅減少過濾棉被污染、堵塞情形。同時,從第二~三層間的水流順暢度來看,水柱面積相當大,不會出現有如「尿尿小天使」的小面積或局部水柱,影響到水流流暢及擋污培菌效果。

The soft filter sponge in 3rd layer filter box, It has no be cleaned for 1 week, the surface is very clean, only slim black dirt spots on filter sponge surface, mini multi-effect cleaning and bacteria culture filter sponge provide powerful effect to obstruct lot of dirt. water penetration is quite smooth in throughout filtration system.

清洗後的海棉  After cleaning sponge

第一層的高效擋污過濾棉(high efficient cleaning filter sponge)「成功攔截」不少污垢,表面累積許多污垢,這些污垢是否會堵塞海棉孔隙呢?可以清洗乾淨嗎?答案是:可以的!只要簡單2個步驟即可快速又輕鬆除去表面污垢,讓海棉表面乾淨如新!

The 1st layer filter sponge can obstruct lot of dirt easily, but how to clean  those dirt on surface?  clean? or discard? mini high efficient cleaning filter sponge can clean it easily and quickly, it will very clean same as new.  The answer is, Yes, of course! it is very easy and quick to clean by 2 steps.

棉表骯髒的污垢。  Lot of dirt on surface.

第一步:甩掉表面的污垢。  1st step:Get rid of dirt on surface.

第二步:用水沖掉表面剩餘的污垢。  2nd step:To flush remaining dirt on surface by water.

清洗後的海棉表面。  After cleaning the surface of filter sponge.

其它相關內容  Related content

過濾器改造計畫(四)  Reconstruction filter 4
過濾器改造計畫(三)  Reconstruction filter 3
過濾器改造計畫(二)  Reconstruction filter 2
過濾器改造計畫(一)  Reconstruction filter 1

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