MINI Aquarium Accessories 迷尼水族精品


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2016年5月17日 星期二

魚隻出現白便、透明色,是飼料原料好或所致?還是體內有寄生蟲? Fish excreta color is white, transparent color, what is reason to causes? Feed poor ingredient and quality? Or internal parasites?

這次共邀請10多位魚友一起進行餵食實驗,在多個測試實驗項目中,其中一項進行「飼料替換」實驗測試,在餵食多日後,請原有換回原餵養飼料,經過一天後,再餵食《Mini #1 Multi-effect in one 》(Mini #1 Multi-effect in one→原餵食飼料→Mini #1 Multi-effect in one→原餵食飼料→Mini #1 Multi-effect in one),這樣的實驗測試,除可觀察腸道與飼料原料品質之吸收與反應。


雖然,體內出現寄生蟲會導致魚隻出現白色魚便,在餵食《Mini #1 Multi-effect in one 》多日後,魚便持續穩定出現粗、短、黃、軟、濕滑...等狀,但隔天又換回原餵食飼料,又恢復過去那種細、長、乾癟、不同顏色的托便,在連續進行4天2次換餌餵食,都出現相同情況。

We conduct experiments and test about replacement feed, To proof relationship of fish excreta color, shape, length, softness... etc, with feed raw materials and the quality is good or bad? In 4  experiment test days, we conducted 2 times fed original feed and 2 times feeding Mini # 1 Multi-effect in one (experimental procedure:Mini # 1 Multi-effect in one → original feed → Mini # 1 Multi-effect in one → original feed → Mini # 1 Multi-effect in one in 4 days), The results showed that fish excreta showed thin, long, white and transparent color, dry after feeding original feed, next day, fish excreta showed thick, short, yellow, seemingly soft stools shape after feeding Mini # 1 Multi-effect in one. 2 times change feed in 4 days, the result are same situation.

[圖片說明  Photo description]:換回原餵養飼養飼料餵食後,魚便出現,末端及中間段為透明色,中間段白色的變化。  To feed with original fish feed food, next day, fish excreta color of end and middle section is transparent color, part of middle section color is white.

[圖片說明  Photo description]:隔天又換回新飼料餵養後,魚的排泄物呈現粗、短、顏色偏黃、看似軟便的形狀。  Change (Mini #1 Multi-effect in one) feed to feed, next day, fish excreta is short, thick, yellow, soft.


Many fish friends believe that the fish excreta color is white or transparent, it is caused by parasites, why no show white  or transparent fish excreta after change Mini #1 Multi-effect in one? what is the reason to cause  fish excreta color is white or transparent? feed ingredients or quality of good or bad? or internal parasites?

[圖片說明  Photo description]:飼料使用原料與品質好壞,不僅影響到魚隻營養的獲取,更牽動腸道消化功能。  The use of feed raw materials and quality is good or bad, not only affects fish obtain nutrients, but also affects digestive function.






The extruded feed manufacturing process must to deal with high temperatures(135~175) and high pressure(57kg / cm),  Most of parasites had died, they can not afford such  high temperature and large pressure, it is very low chance of feeding extruded feed to cause parasites in fish body,

Another frequent reason is feed raw materials quality is poor and no fresh. By fish meal explained, fish meal can be divided into red and white color, The 2 fish meal have more different between nutrition and price. Some poor quality fish meal is made with discarded fish (trash fish), this is not good quality feed, if fish eat poor quality feed that it will reduce down nutrient absorption, growth, body color vividness, health, and resistance for fish.

[圖片說明  Photo description]:平日可餵食浮萍類植物,有助於魚隻腸道消化與吸收,且浮萍是具有相當高營養的天然魚料。  Duckweed is more natural fish foods with high nutritional value, it can help intestinal digestion and absorption.


Perhaps, you can switch to  different feed to feed and observe many variations from fish excreta.


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