Have you any incurable diseases question about feeding? welcome to ask question to us, we will do our best to make accurate and detailed answer for you, thank you.
請至 「魚管家」觀賞魚線上交流平台 中,寫下您想詢問內容、附上相片或影片,以便做最正確的判斷與回覆,造成不便之處,敬請見諒!
请至 「鱼管家」观赏鱼线上交流平台 中,写下您想询问内容、附上相片或影片,以便做最正确的判断与回覆,造成不便之处,敬请见谅!
Please write down your problem and attached photo or film at "Fish housekeeper online ornamental fish solution platform", we will answer to you as soon! In order to make correct judgment and reply for you, causing inconvenience, please forgive me!
请至 「鱼管家」观赏鱼线上交流平台 中,写下您想询问内容、附上相片或影片,以便做最正确的判断与回覆,造成不便之处,敬请见谅!
Please write down your problem and attached photo or film at "Fish housekeeper online ornamental fish solution platform", we will answer to you as soon! In order to make correct judgment and reply for you, causing inconvenience, please forgive me!






4.治療魚病時,有那些「藥」不得的錯誤作法呢?/ 治疗鱼病时,有那些「药」不得的错误作法呢?

3.小魚缸,如何用便宜的方式強化過濾除垢、培菌功效呢?/ 小鱼缸,如何用便宜的方式强化过滤除垢、培菌功效呢?

2.殺菌藥劑使用注意事項?/ 杀菌药剂使用注意事项?

1.為何說,要加強打氣?/ 为何说,要加强打气?

本單元由 「魚管家」觀賞魚線上交流平台 團隊協助更新及提供 / 本单元由 「鱼管家」观赏鱼线上交流平台 团队协助更新及提供
This service updated and provided by "Fish housekeeper online ornamental fish solution platform".
This service updated and provided by "Fish housekeeper online ornamental fish solution platform".